Policies & Inspection Reports

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The following policies are available to download as PDF documents, or you can email the school if you wish to be sent a copy; info@sherfieldschool.co.uk

All policies listed below incorporate EYFS and boarding provision unless otherwise stated.

Accessibility Plan

Admissions Policy

Anti-bullying Policy

Assessment Policy

Attendance and Registration Policy

Behaviour Policy

Curriculum Policy

Collection and Non-collection Policy

Complaints Policy

Critical Incident Policy

EAL Policy

Educational Visits Policy

Equal Opportunities Policy

Exclusions Policy

Fire Safety Policy

First Aid Policy

Guardian Agreement

Guardians and Lodgings Policy

Information and Records Retention Policy

Health and Safety Policy

Data Protection Policy

Missing Child Policy

More Able, Gifted and Talented Policy

Privacy Notice for Parents Policy

Privacy Notice for Pupils aged 13 and over Policy

RSE and PSHE Policy 

Safeguarding Policy

Special Educational Needs Policy

Supervision Policy

Risk Assessment Policy

Vehicle Movement Policy


Sherfield School Terms and Conditions


Standalone Policies for EYFS

EYFS Daily Routines and Care Policy


ISI Reports

In March 2024, Sherfield School was inspected by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) as part of their routine cycle of school inspections. After a thorough three-day inspection, we are pleased to announce the publication of an exceptionally positive report.

Click here to download a summary report

Click here to download the full report

All of our Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) inspection reports can be viewed here, on the ISI website.

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